Get a quote now with our Quote Calculator below
Please note you can do as many quotes and/or practice quotes as you like
Quotes $1,000,000 and over:
Download a professional quote with your logo on it (optional)
To download a professional quote simply enter the equipment cost into the calculator and then click the "Download Quote Button" above and follow the prompts, you can include as much or as little information as you like.
My customer would like to progress, what do I do now?
Option 1 - Email a copy of the quote you have printed or downloaded above and we will contact your customer with your approval.
Option 2 - If you have not downloaded a quote above you can fill in the "Submit Details Form" below and we will contact your customer with your approval.
Option 3 - Send an email with the customer and equipment details to or call with the details on 021374533 and we will contact the customer with your approval.
Submit customer details below to start the process
Note only required if you have not already contacted us on this opportunity
The Finance and Leasing process from start to finish
Step 1 - You provide the customer a finance or lease quote via the eLeasing Quote calculator.
Step 2 - The customer indicates they would like to progress to the approval stage.
Step 3 - We contact the customer with your approval and approve the customer.
Step 4 - We email you a formal approval for the customer, criteria being met.
Step 5 - You send us your invoice when you are ready to.
Step 6 - We complete the contract documents with the customer.
Step 7 - We pay your invoice when the equipment is installed or ready for collection, unless another arrangement has been made.
The finance and lease benefits to you as a supplier
Benefit 1 - Increase sales with an equipment finance or leasing offer.
Benefit 2 - Prompt payment of your invoice.
Benefit 3 - Create a sales pipeline, add-on's, upgrades etc.
Benefit 4 - Promote equipment sales using finance or lease specials, pricing, payment terms etc.
Benefit 5 - Customers will be well informed concerning their equipment finance or lease agreement.
Benefit 6 - Quick approval turnaround.
Benefit 7 - Assistance with contract management throughout the term of the finance or lease contract.
Benefit 8 - eLeasing will handle the process from start to finish.
Note a customer may not purchase equipment you're offering because of the outright cash price, having on-hand finance and leasing options can overcome this obstacle
Advantage 1 - eLeasing's finance and leasing solutions can play a crucial role in preserving your customers cash-flow, encouraging a sale i.e. a customer can obtain the equipment they need from you now and spread the payments for the equipment over their preferred eLeasing option and term.
Advantage 2 - Your customer can finance or lease the equipment they need from you now via an eLeasing option, it will still be a cash sale from your perspective.
Advantage 3 - A customer may not consider a finance or leasing option for your equipment, however they will if you offer them an eLeasing solution right at the start of the sales process.