Contact eLeasing and grow your business with a great equipment finance lease options now

Contact Doug Edginton

eLeasing Finance Specialist

Mobile: 021374533  Email:

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About eLeasing

  • eLeasing is an experienced equipment leasing finance broker owned and operated by Doug Edginton.

  • Doug has been arranging equipment leasing and asset finance for customers and partnering with suppliers in New Zealand for 20 years.

  • Doug has facilitated equipment leasing and asset finance contracts in New Zealand for SME, Schools, Educational Institutions, Local Government, Major Corporates, Government Departments, Legal Practices, Accountancy Firms, Charitable Trusts, Professionals etc".

  • eLeasing make the finance process as easy as possible for our supplier partners and customers.

  • eLeasing strives to have well informed customers that understand their equipment lease or asset finance contract.

Conflicts of interest and incentives

For successfully brokered leasing and asset finance contracts Doug Edginton receives commission from his lessor/funder partners.

If you decide to take out a lease or finance contract that has been successfully brokered by Doug Edginton the lessor/funder partner will pay a commission to Doug Edginton. The amount of the commission is based on the nature and size of the lease or finance contract.

Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009

As from 1 October 2018 I am required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009. These requirements are often referred to as “AML”.  

AML is a global initiative intended to make it harder for criminals to profit from and fund illegal activity. This means that before carrying out work for my customers I may need to carry out Customer Due Diligence (CDD). 

CDD requires me to verify the identity of my customers and I will do this by obtaining copies of documents such as passport or drivers license along with individual proof of address where applicable.

Many of my customers are well known to me  and I understand that it may be frustrating to be asked to prove your identity, however we are committed to complying with our obligations under the act so thank you in advance for your understanding.

Duties information and Professional Values

  Doug Edginton's mission is to:

  • Give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps.

  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you service.

  • Have high standards of competence, knowledge and skill.

  • Meet standards of ethical behavior, conduct and client care.