Explore great equipment finance lease options to get the equipment you need now
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Quotes $1,000,000 and over:
I've done a quote on the calculator above and would like to proceed, what do I do now?
Simply fill in the "Apply for Equipment Finance Lease Approval Form Below"..............or
Send me an email to doug@eleasing.co.nz with details of the equipment, cost price etc or give me a call on 021374533 to discuss - Doug Edginton.
Apply for equipment finance lease approval now below
Equipment finance lease options can help you acquire the equipment you need now
We all need new or upgrade equipment from time to time.
Often the decision to acquire equipment can be limited by the outright purchase i.e. we need the equipment to move forward but our capital is committed elsewhere.
Equipment leasing and/or asset finance provides a way to acquire the equipment we need now, paying for the equipment over time rather than outright purchase.
What are the benefits to me?
Conserves cash
Fixed monthly payments
Reduce your own equipment obsolescence
Upgrade equipment during or at contract completion
Easily add more equipment when required
Generally no down payment or deposit is required
An equipment finance lease agreement you understand
Who can eLeasing help?
Small and mediumm sized businesses.
Corporates, government departments, councils, schools, trusts, tertiary educational institutions, pre-schools etc.
Medical centers, DHB's, dentists, non-profit, clubs, aviation, infrastructure.
We can basically help any organisation in the non-consumer space.
Contact Doug at eLeasing to discuss obtaining the equipment you need now with an equipment finance lease agreement.
The standard eLeasing credit check
When approving an equipment finance lease finance arrangement, eLeasing will obtain approval from you to conduct a "Standard eLeasing Credit Check". A standard eLeasing credit check entails eLeasing contacting a Credit Reporting Service Provider (CRSP) applicable to your unique situation, in order to obtain company and personal credit information.
eLeasing standard credit check declaration
The Credit Reporting Service Provider (CRSP) will give eLeasing information about you for the purpose of a credit check. eLeasing will give information about you to the CRSP, the CRSP may hold that information on their system and use it to provide their reporting service. When other CRSP customers use the aforementioned CRSP credit reporting service, the CRSP may give information about you to those customers. If in the future there is a default in any payment obligation, information about the default may be given to the CRSP, and the CRSP may give information about the default to other CRSP customers.